Shape Shifters

A mysterious man beckons Orianna to the hotel bar. Ryker confesses he and his two mates, Dallas and Pierce, want her to return home with them.

To keep Pierce satisfied, Ryker invites a strange woman into their lives. He struggles with Orianna because she’s their natural enemy, a vampire. As the bond cements between Orianna and Pierce, he discovers Dallas falling for her too.

Orianna is abducted and all three men dash to rescue her from the local pride leader. If they don’t get there in time, there will nothing left of their new mate except ashes.

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Cursed forever as a Raven, Tremain can only be human on the days and nights of the full moon. Charged with protecting Maili, he realizes she has gone missing.
Linnea discovers her best friend’s apartment ransacked and a guy holding a severed head. Before she can get an explanation, something slips from the shadows stabbing Tremain, poisoning him.

To save Tremain, she must use her budding magickal powers and get him to his Raven brethren. Will she get him there in time? Will Tremain overcome his curse and save Maili? Or will he be cursed to an even worse hell?

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For five thousand years, Caleb has been bound to Raven form. Now he wants out. In order to free himself of servitude, he has one final assignment. Watch over Keeleigh. Keeleigh always felt like she never belonged. Her pointed ears and magickal gifts separate her from others.

Caleb desires eternal rest. Keeleigh craves to learn more about her Elvin heritage. But a new threat is rising from the shadows targeting any magickal or psychic mortals.

Will Caleb make his peace before seeking Death? Will Keeleigh uncover her magickal past? Or will she find she’s next on the list?                                                                                          Amira Press                   Amazon                 Barnes & Noble

Reseph gave his heart and soul to the priesthood of the lion god Mysis. He prays the god won’t smite him for removing offerings from the altar in order to save an ailing lion cub.

Mysis has had his eye on Reseph and can’t help but visit him when the young priest steals from his holy altar. Instead of smiting him, Mysis becomes smitten. But the other gods are not so happy about this new attraction.

What is a priest to do when his god says he wishes to be lovers? Does Reseph tell him no? He is already head over heels and will do anything for Mysis, even give up his soul to save the man that he loves.

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Being a hybrid, Alison has never really thought about having a mate before until she meets Shea. One whiff of his enticing scent, she’s head over heels for him. The only thing she doesn’t know is that Shea has two other roommates hidden away at home.

When the past comes calling, Alison is forced to face her worst nightmare. With Shea and Collin, her second mate, they have to rescue William from the clutches of her stepfather. Together they will overcome her past and Alison will find all the love and more than she has ever dreamed of.                                                                                                                                                              Amira Press              Amazon               Barnes & Noble

Illiana and Belik set out on a journey to discover more about her ability that she gets from her father to shift into two different animals.

Ohanzee’s an outcast among his people because he can only shift into one animal instead of two. When he meets Illiana, he knows she’s the woman from his dreams and must have her.

Belik will do anything to make Illiana happy, but he’s worried what impact Ohanzee will have on her. Can she withstand another heartbreak? When crisis strikes Ohanzee, Illiana risks everything to save him. This calamity will either bring them together or break them apart for all time.

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Illiana is a raven shifter shunned by her flock the majority of her life. Her best friend, Christopher, is a wolf shifter, but they can never be together because it goes against all their laws. Belik, a raven shifter, has always loved Illiana. Belik bares his soul to Illiana. She reveals a secret to Belik that will change their relationship forever.

All the while, Christopher lusts after a black wolf he invites to join the pack, while lamenting the loss of the one woman he has always loved. Illiana tries to find a way to be with both men she loves, but to do that the wolf must awaken.

Warning: This book contains hot sexy mating between wolves and ravens. Expect feathers to be ruffled and fur to fly.

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What's Elise to do when she finds, Oran, a naked man on her front lawn?

Oran can't get his helpful hostess out of his mind. There's something about her that calls to him. While he is recuperating, he dreams about her and realizes that Elise is his other mate. The only problem is his first mate is in the other realm, and Oran has no way of returning. It isn't until Drake shows up, naked on Elise's doorstep that his hope returns.

They have to convince Drake that Elise is meant to be with them. And then figure out a way for all of them to get home  safely.
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Monica has fought to keep Haden as her friend. Her girlfriends don’t approve of him. When he sings, it transports her to another world where Monica doesn’t have to think about her impending duties. She keeps him close to her heart and secretly craves to feel his sweet lips on hers.

Haden sings to forget his responsibilities. Whenever he gets together with Monica, his obligations fall away and he feels like a normal man. His band mates constantly remind him she isn’t good for him. Haden is already in an arranged marriage to a woman he’s never met. No matter how much he admits his feelings for Monica, in the end their relationship will only cause both of them heartache.

The time comes for Monica and Haden to follow their destinies. Little do they know, fate has something fiery up her sleeve for these two star crossed lovers. Fortune brings them together one last time. Only then will the depth of their feelings be realized. 

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Dragons and spellcasters mate for life. The connections they form are beyond the physical. Kestrel had such a bond and lost it. For five hundred years, she had been alone. Then she meets Andrik, the dark, brooding prince. Drawn to him like no other, she isn’t sure how he will react if she confides in him about her sordid history.

Andrik feels the same pull toward Kestrel, but can’t reconcile his past. Torn between his duties and his feelings, he defies the king to tell her the truth. Together they embark on a harrowing quest to save the kingdom and themselves.                                                   

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Jet is ordered to keep an eye on Paget. Once she touches him, her frosty caress opens his heart to her. He must prove his innocence that he didn’t kill her uncle, but before he can, he must find the Shadows that are out to kill her.

Paget can’t get her uncle’s murderer out of her mind. Something about him melts her frozen heart, and she finds herself falling in love with him. Her icy suitor, Malik, wants her all to himself. Before he can claim her, the Shadows attack and the only one to save her is Jet.

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Alena has been hiding from her heritage for years. She left behind her past after the death of her uncle. Now her estranged family has found her and begs her to come home.

Darius has been assigned to investigate the death of two werewolf children and granted a semi-reprieve from his Raven Warrior curse. Not happy with his new mission, Darius discovers the pack’s killer is not the hunter he thinks it is.

Will Alena face her past before the hunter kills again? Can Darius face the ancient evil and live?

Amira Press                   Amazon             Barnes & Noble

Lila has been tending bar for five years at Hell's Gate. She is content with her life. However, when Draig walks into the club her world is thrown asunder. There is something about the exotic man that haunts her. She watches him night after night tie up women and can't help but feel jealous. Draig tries to ignore her, but he can't get her out of his mind. The only thing he knows to do is push her away.

Until the one night she finally confronts him and gives him a piece of her mind. Draig tries to keep her out, but he realizes Lila is something special. If he keeps her out, then his one chance of freedom will fly away.

   Purple Sword               Amazon                  Barnes & Noble

                                                     Just when Margaret thought it was safe to get back into the dating game, she meets Cole. Sexy as hell with a magnetism she can’t fight, Margaret gives in to temptation and spends the night with him. It’s when she wakes up that her whole world is turned upside down.

When Kevin discovers his sister, Gail, has been harmed, he rushes to her aid and finds her friend, Margaret, has also suffered the same fate as his sister. His inner tiger yearns to claim Margaret as his own, but also to defend his sister from the man who marked her for a tiger. Cole is their combined enemy and soon the claws will come out and the fur will fly.                                                                                

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Saeran’s dreamed about retiring from his lifestyle as a male prostitute for a while. But would catering to a dragon shifter be the best thing? Dragons are known to bite now and again.

Barro is enamored with Saeran and his luscious body. Inviting Saeran back to his house to be at his beck and call seemed the logical thing to do at the time. When Saeran accepts, he is overjoyed and can’t fight the growing attraction between them.

Saeran becomes more to Barro than the houseboy he originally planned on. The question is, what exactly is Saeran becoming? They open their hearts to one another, and all secrets are revealed.

   Sugar & Spice              Amazon            Barnes & Noble

Wyr is a dragon hybrid who has been alone for over a hundred years and an outcast among his own kind. When mistaken identity makes him the priest for a local village, he takes up residence in a cave within a volcano. While he gives advice to the town, he keeps his true heritage hidden.

Tahan is the son of a local merchant with an arranged marriage looming over his head. He wants nothing of his father’s business or the marriage. Instead, Tahan has a few secrets of his own and has eyes for the village priest. Tahan admits he knows the priest’s secret only to face his anger, but when Tahan touches him Wyr realizes his true affections for the man.

In order to save the man he loves from the volcanic eruption, Wyr must reveal his true nature. By doing so, his existence is threatened. Still he would do anything to make Tahan happy and see him safe. Even give up his life.

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Seth’s flown the skies for two thousand years. His soul was sacrificed to live forever as a Raven. Civilizations have risen and fallen while he’s performed his duty of protecting charges. Through this he’s never found true love.

Jayd has employed Seth, not knowing his true nature, only that she’s lusted after him. He keeps his distance and barely ever speaks. Jayd craves to feel his lips, but won’t dare approach him.

Lately, the shadows are whispering and Jayd’s terrified to go home. Will they discover what's after Jayd? Or will the darkness take her before Seth can claim her? 

Amira Press                   Amazon                   Barnes & Noble

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